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Help us to thrive with our
Friends Scheme

Our Friends Scheme is a great way to support Sheffield based charity; Opera on Location. Your support will go towards helping us to continue to deliver the high quality productions that you have grown to love.


The Friends Scheme will help to provide accommodation for artists, hire the best available directors, musical directors and singers, pay for rehearsal venues and allow us to expand our current offering through more events, outreach and education projects.


Every donation will make an immeasurable difference to our growing organisation and with a variety of levels and benefits, starting from less than £3 per month, there is sure to be a tier that works for you.


Alongside numerous benefits and exclusive offers, Friends of Opera on Location are safe in the knowledge their contribution will help support a thriving company and the young professionals it employs.


Opera on Location are proud to call Sheffield home. Just as our Steel City was once powered by the five rivers, our Friends Scheme will be powered by you!

As a registered charity, all donations made to Opera on Location are eligible for Gift Aid at no extra cost to you, if you are a UK taxpayer.


It simply means that for every £1 Opera on Location receives we can claim an extra £0.25, making your generous contribution go even further.

La Traviata (63 of 68).jpg
A Midsummer Night's Dream 20
Boheme performance (25 of 60).jpg

• All packages and pricing are for a 12 month period which will then automatically renew

• Joint memberships receive two of each benefit unless otherwise stated.

Porter Brook

Under 30s and Students £10/year one-off payment


Invitation to selected Friends events / Exclusive Friends newsletter / Opera on Location Fairtrade tote bag / Acknowledgement in programmes and on our website



£35/year individual £50/year joint membership annual payment


Invitation to Friends events / Exclusive Friends newsletter / Opera on Location Fairtrade tote bag / Acknowledgement in programmes and on our website



£95/year individual £150/year joint membership quarterly or annual payment


Invitation to Friends events / Exclusive Friends newsletter / Opera on Location Fairtrade tote bag / Acknowledgement in programmes and on our website

+ Priority booking

+ Free programme for the summer production



£175/year individual £300/year joint membership monthly, quarterly or annual payment


Invitation to Friends events / Exclusive Friends newsletter / Opera on Location Fairtrade tote bag / Acknowledgement in programmes and on our website
+ Priority booking

+ Free programme for the summer production
+ 20% off and preferential seating for up to 6 tickets for the summer productions*
+ Opera on Location travel mug


* When signing up for joint membership, please note only one set of these benefits will be offered


The Don

Bespoke payment arrangement


If you would like to explore the possibilities of a bespoke package or a sponsorship opportunity, please contact Gareth or Kathryn

Sign up

Become a friend

All you need to do is let us know what kind of membership you’d like, what payment schedule you prefer, and a few personal details and we'll be in touch with you.

About you

Which package?

Tick the package and the payment option you'd like.

Porter Brook
How would you like to pay?
How would you like to pay?
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